아들의 편지
2011.01.10 10:54
Happy Birthday, dad!
This is probably also the first birthday of yours
that I haven't beenthere for, but...
I just want to honor you and thank you for such...
for the unconditional support you have ALWAYS had for me,
and truly, no words can express the thankfulness to God
for putting you in my life; to steer me in the right path...
and to you
I was thinking.. this whole journey of me being here in YWAM
and doing this DTS; this long mission trip.
This spark in the reformation of MY heart,
really started with you, of course after God's plan..
Up until this past summer, I had no intentions of living my life for God and for His Glory. What changed everything was you, daddy, making me to go to the Mexico Mission without my consent.
And look where I am now... haha
Dad, you are amazing. And I love you so much.
You have been living in such obedience for God for so long...
enduring everything and yet still remains faithful,
and I can sense just the joy it brings to God.
You will bear fruit, and you will have your reward.
We are world changers, dad. :)
I love you, and miss you all, our family. Send them my regards;
I am still praying for all of you guys.
12-28-2010 Your Son, Jonathan
이 아들의 편지는
제가 받은, 생애 최고의 생일 축하 메일이었습니다 :)
그리고, 조금 전 - San Francisco공항을 떠났습니다.
중국.. 그리고 북한을 향해.
아들에게 답장을 했습니다.
내게 주신 하나님의 위로와 축복의 상(Reward)은
바로 너라고.
주께 올려드린 제 3 자녀들 모두가
그들의 생애를, 각 자가 진심으로 드리는 것을 보는 것이
제게는 가장 큰 기쁨이고 열매이기 때문입니다...
내 아버지여 -
아들을 받으시옵소서.
감사와 영광을 모두 받으시옵소서!
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